Improvement of 2023-2024 School Year Questioned in Haiti

January 4, 2024 Hour: 4:51 pm

The 2023-2024 school year in Haiti could be further disrupted by insecurity, teacher strikes and schools occupied by displaced people fearful of the gangs that continue to operate in the Caribbean country.

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According to sector authorities, from January to December, this section faced numerous limitations due to the country’s economic problems and weaknesses within the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training.

Students experienced major failures in the exams, especially those presented to access the baccalaureate, as their preparation was insufficient due to the educational reality the nation is going through.

In addition to the students’ street demonstrations, teachers went on strike, and among their demands were the payment of their salaries.

More than 20,000 children were unable to return to school on September 11 due to the armed violence, a situation that left schools unable to perform their functions as they were hosting many displaced families, according to Le National newspaper.

At the end of December, teachers at the various closed schools were still calling on the government to take charge of this chaotic situation to allow students to return to their classrooms and avoid a total catastrophe in Haiti’s education system.


Autor: teleSUR/ OSG

Fuente: The Star